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Then you’ll have what you want and I can go to sleep

Then you’ll have what you want and I can go to sleep

Shocking stories of teens who want to follow in the model’s footsteps

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Amy, of course, is rather pleased with this state of Cheap jordans affairs. Her idol is glamour model and reality TV star Jordan (real name Katie Price) a pneumatic chested mother of three who, as we shall see, has developed a grip on the minds of the nation’s young teenage girls.

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Charity administrator’s daughter Natalie Halls is just 14, but as she says of Jordan: ‘She’s really pretty, she’s got a handsome husband, three kids, loads of houses cheap jordans online and money that’s why I want to be like her.

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A depressing state of affairs, even more so when Maria’s mother, Sharon, a 46 year old nurse from Birmingham, chips in: ‘I actually believe that Jordan is a really good role model for my daughter and I’d love Maria to be a model. Jordan is one of the most straight talking celebrities in the world.

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So how did it come to this? That an entire generation of cheap yeezys intelligent young women, watched happily by their mothers, are modelling themselves on a woman who has made a career out of a pair of inflated breasts, a ruthlessly stagemanaged career in soft porn and cheap jordans for sale a tumultuous and highly sexual relationship with her husband, singer Peter Andre not to cheap jordan sneakers mention her forays into the literary world.

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There is little doubt that this dual role is sending out dangerously cheap Air max shoes mixed messages. She writes for very young girls, with her Perfect Ponies books as well as for an older market. The fact that all her books, which are ghost written, are best sellers, does not detract from their questionable literary quality.

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These, it is safe to cheap adidas say, are exactly the cheap nike shoes kinds of cheap air jordan book which are going to be devoured by teenagers who have also pored over her two best selling autobiographies.

Any mother with an ounce of sense might be expected to steer her daughter firmly away from such questionable influences. But not so the mothers of Amy, Natalie and Maria who, one might think, as educated women would know better.

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Speaking with a candour that fails to mask her naivety, 13 year old Amy says: ‘I think that to be successful these days you have to make yourself stand out, and having a boob job and wearing lots of make up and sexy clothes gets you noticed. I quite enjoy school, but I’d like to leave and start modelling as soon as I can.’

It is clear, too, that, bombarded by celebrity images in magazines and on television, young girls are being indoctrinated from a young age.

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