+ 1 800 AIR DUMP (800 247 3867)customerservice@jk-co.com
- 24 V Electric over Hydraulic System
- Solar Powered Charging System with Solar Panels on each side of car
- Charge Controller to prevent over charging
- Approximately 5 seconds for doors to fully open or close
- 10 Micron Filter
- Up to 3,000 psi Hydraulic Pump and Motor
- 5-gallon Hydraulic Reservoir
- Hydraulic Hoses run to Cylinders
- Solenoid Operated Hydraulic Control Valves
- System designed for 12 months between preventative maintenance cycles
- Bypass Valves for manual operation
- Power Shut Off for transit or unauthorized use
- JK-CO Ballast Automation Systems can be fitted to any ballast gate configuration
Network Communication Radio Controls System
- Each Car has a Receiver/Decoder
- Transmitter operates off car number
- Cars can be operated with transmitter up to 300 feet
- May be equipped with Manual Electrical Switches when remotes are not available
- Low watt coils on hydraulic solenoid voids
- “Device Net” network communication
- System is designed to be expandable to meet customer needs in the future
- Can be retro-fitted to any existing ballast car
Radio Controlled System
- Each car has a Receiver/Decoder
- Transmitter operates off car number
- Cars can be operated with transmitter up to 300 feet
- May be equipped with Manual Electrical Switches when remotes are not available
- Can be retro-fitted to any existing ballast car
Manual Control System
- Manual Control Switches for each gate operation
- All components hard wired
- Can be retro-fitted to any existing Ballast Car