+ 1 800 AIR DUMP (800 247 3867)customerservice@jkcospecialtyr.wpengine.com
As a top supplier to the rail and mining industries, as well as to private companies purchasing their own equipment, we offer meticulous engineering to exceed their rigorous requirements. The Air Side Dump Car’s unique features offer the quality and specialized tasking that our customers come to expect from the most experienced Side Dump Car manufacturer in the business.
Dump Car Highlights:
- Dumps to either side of track
- Dumps 100 tons clear of track in 8-10 seconds
- Body supported on widely spaced body pivots integral with body bolster structure
Past Dump Cars:
- Drop End Dump Car (50 yd/100 Ton)
- Standard Airside Dump Car (50 yd/100 Ton)
- Air Side Dump Car (50 yd/110 Ton)